Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Physical Picture of Bali 2

The Topography

     The Balinese province was the area of mountains and hills that covered most territories. Relief of Pulau Bali was the chain of mountains that length from the west to the east. Between the mountains was gotten the volcano that still was active, that is Mount Agung (3.142 m.) and Mount Batur (1.717 m.). Several inactive mountains other achieved the height between 1,000 - 2.000 m.

     The chain of mountains that stretched in the Balinese Island middle caused this territory geographically to be divided into two different parts, that is Balinese North with the plain that was narrow from foot hills and mountains and Balinese South with the wide plain and the gradient. Inspected from the slope of his slope, the Balinese Island most consisted of the land with the slope between 0 - 2 % to 15 - 40 %. The rest was the land with the slope on 40 %.

     As one of the criteria to determine the level of land compatibility, then the land with the slope under 40 % generally could be made an effort to get by the other condition origin for the determination of the land was fulfilled. Whereas the land with the slope on 40 % must receive attention when being made cultivation efforts.

     The land with the slope 0 - 2 % dominated the area of the southern part coast and northern part coast of the Balinese Island, widely the area 96,129 ha. Whereas the land with the slope 2 - 15 % most were met in the Badung Regency territory, Tabanan, Gianyar, Buleleng, and the rest of the spread evenly in the area around the coast widely reached 132.056 ha.

     The area with the slope 15 - 40 % covered the area measuring 164.749 ha dominantly was gotten in the Balinese territory of the Island middle, followed the row of hills that stretched from the west to east this territory. The area with the slope exceeded 40 % was the area of mountains and hills that was located in the Nusa Penida Island part.

     Inspected from the height of the place, the Balinese Island consisted of the land group as follows:
  - The land with the height 0 - 50 m. above sea level had the surface that was enough the gradient covered the area measuring 77.321,38 ha.
  - The land with the height 50 - 100 m. above sea level had the surface wavy until undulating widely 60.620,34 ha.
  - The land with the height 100 - 500 m. in measuring 211.923,85 ha was dominated by the surface situation undulating until hilly.
  - The land with the height 500 - 1.000 m. above sea level measuring 145.188,61 ha.
  - The land with the height above 1.000 m. above sea level measuring 68.231,90 ha. 

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